Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 8, 2008

Technical Concepts

Lazy Loading (call on demand):
Lazy loading is a design pattern commonly used in computer programming to defer initialization of an object until the point at which it is needed. It can contribute to efficiency in the program's operation if properly and appropriately used. The opposite of lazy loading is Eager Loading.

Bread Crumbs
A Web site navigation technique. Bread crumbs typically appear horizontally near the top of a Web page, providing links back to each previous page that the user navigates through in order to get to the current page. Basically, they provide a trail for the user to follow back to the starting/entry point of a Web site and may look something like this:
home page --> section page --> sub section page

This technique also is referred to as a bread crumb trail.

You can also come accross it in coding:


/// Fetches the category bread crumbs.

/// The category id.
public DataSet FetchCategoryBreadCrumbs(int categoryId) {
DataSet ds = SPs.FetchCategoryBreadCrumbs(categoryId).GetDataSet();
ds.DataSetName = MENUS;
ds.Tables[0].TableName = MENU;
return ds;
} ///

Rewrite engine

A rewrite engine also known as URL rewriting, is software which modifies the URLs appearance.The Users of web applications prefer short, neat URLs to raw query string parameters. A concise URL is more memorable, and less time-consuming to type in. If the URL can be made to relate clearly to the content of the page, then errors are less likely to happen.

For example, this URL contains query string parameters to encode the date for which some blog engines should show available postings
but can be altered to give the user a clear idea of what he or she is going to see

The second address also allows the user to change the URL to see all postings available in December, simply by removing the text encoding the day '10', and thereby saving having to navigate the GUI.

Another example might be changing


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