How to get over a creativity block?
Go out, change your perspective
Step away from the computer. Go outside. Away from places you usually visit. Go for a walk, head to the gym. You’ll come back refreshed and with a new outlook on the task at hand.
Get inspired
Take continuous feedback from others. That means continuous input: reading books and blogs, attending talks and conferences. It also means continuous output: writing and interacting with others.
Listen to Music
Music is an equal blend of emotion and analysis. If you let yourself be inspired by it, you’ll often feel the creative urge again.
Try a new approach
Start over, refresh your canvas. Consider what other creative people do. Seek inspiration through their experience.
Communication is the key
Talk to others. Do something out of the ordinary, out of character. Give your brain a chance to regroup and hit it with some fresh stimuli.
Put things on hold
Put the task or project down and either take a break from work altogether or perform some tasks that require no creativity (like managing or organization tasks) and distract your conscious mind from the challenges.
Train Yourself
Force yourself to do something creative every day. It can be anything: writing, drawing, shooting photos etc. The idea is to get into the habit of always being creative.
~ Jasvinder Singh
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