Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 1, 2014

Continuous Quality Improvement with Deming PDCA Model

Plan: Goals, Cost-Effective, anticipated Case Studies (đặt ra tình huống)…
Do: Follow-up, Work, Try and Error, R&D, Training…
Check: Measure and compare obtained resutls against expected results, including: Oversee, Review, Audit, Test…
Act: Doing retrospective, fine-tuning process, continnous improving weaknesses…

1) There are significant differences between Review and Audit.
Audit is a task which goes about verifying that work/project is compliant with regulations and standards. The objective of an audit is to provide a reasonable basis for expressing an opinion regarding the project taken as a whole.

A review does not provide a basis for the expression of such an opinion. A review may bring to the group’s attention significant matters affecting the whole project, but it does not provide assurance that the management team will become aware of all significant matters that would be disclosed in an audit. 

2) When it comes to each step, it might contain its own smaller PDCA circle.

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